Myths and Lies (UKIP & EU)

The three ‘main parties’ have invented a number of ‘untruths’ about UKIP and the EU, in a slightly desperate attempt to stem the rise of UKIP’s popularity, purely so that they can then be derided and mocked, the most common ones include:

i)  “UKIP is a racist party”

NOT TRUE: UKIP has NO racist policies of any kind,

– furthermore, any member found actively promoting racist views, or even to be associated with someone holds them, is immediately removed/expelled from the party

ii)  “UKIP policy is to halt all future immigration to the UK”

NOT TRUE:  UKIP recognises that a considerable amount of past immigration has benefitted the UK greatly,

– and that properly managed migration can, and should, continue to do so into the future.

UKIP simply wants to put an end to mass, uncontrolled immigration from the EU-bloc countries, and to introduce a ‘Australian-style points based system’ for all migrants, irrespective of the country from which they are migrating to the UK,

– i.e to introduce a ‘fair and equitable’ system, one which would end discrimination against countries from outside the European Union, such as India, China, USA, etc

iii) “UKIP are ‘against’ migrants”

NOT TRUE:  all of us, or our ancestors, were migrants to the UK at some point in our past,

– UKIP fully supports anyone who has legally entered and is living and working in the UK, irrespective of their ethnicity or country of origin

iv) “UKIP want to privatise the NHS”

– NOT TRUE: in fact UKIP will end any further ‘backdoor NHS privatisation’ by means of Private Finance Initiatives, and are fighting to prevent potential, irreversible further privatisation via the new TTIP agreement, as currently being negotiated ‘on our behalf’ by the EU with the U.S.

– ‘PFIs’ were the favoured method by which successive Labour governments borrowed to build new hospitals, saddling the NHS with enormous debts

– debts which will take up to thirty more years to pay off, and which current estimates indicate will eventually cost the NHS/UK tax payer a total of over £300billion

v) “UKIP policy is to charge £10 to visit your GP”

NOT TRUE: UKIP will ensure the NHS is free at the point of delivery and time of need for all UK residents

vi) “Three million jobs would be lost if we left the EU”

CLEARLY RIDICULOUS AND NOT TRUE!  – the ‘often quoted’ three million UK jobs have ‘some connection’ with EU trade, however the proportion of our trade that we do with the EU is steadily diminishing year on year, as we increase our trade with the rest of the (more prosperous) world, and UK is currently running an estimated deficit of over £100bn with the European Union,

– that is to say, EU-bloc countries benefit from trading with us to the tune of £100 billion pounds more than we do from trading with them: (click to enlarge)


– they would quite simply be ‘crazy’ to forfeit this income…  and if/when we leave, they won’t.


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Published and promoted by Pete Durnell, of 18 Farm Avenue, Oldbury, West Midlands B68 8PW   Tel 07736 935181
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