104 years young

One of the best things about standing to become MP for Warley… was meeting people from all walks of life, all backgrounds and of all ages,

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– and it was an enormous pleasure to meet and chat with Ms Jane Shaw, her daughter and husband,

– if extremely hard to believe that Ms Shaw is now more than ‘104 years young’.

By pure coincidence, my mother grew up in the same lane as Ms Shaw has lived in for many decades, and it was really interesting to hear all about how it used to be, 60 or 70 years ago, when mum was a young girl, and Ms Shaw already in her 30s (!)

Ms Shaw is a truly remarkable lady, still follows current affairs, and was looking forward to receiving her vote through the post shortly after 20th April…

– Sandwell MB Council please note, fail to send it out (again) and ‘there will be trouble’ !

Published and promoted by Pete Durnell, of 18 Farm Avenue, Oldbury, West Midlands B68 8PW   Tel 07736 935181
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